Supplier Engagement Score

Quantifying the results of your program

Measure What Matters

Going beyond traditional KPIs, our proprietary Supplier Engagement Score (SES) provides a multi-dimensional view of supplier health, empowering you to make data-driven decisions across your supply chain operations.


How We Calculate SES

The formula should weight factors important to your program, including the following criteria:


  1. Responsiveness. Percentage of inquiries suppliers respond to within a set timeframe.
  2. Data Quality. Completeness and accuracy of data submitted.
  3. Compliance Adherence. Percentage of actions meeting requirements on time.
  4. Collaboration. Participation in webinars, workshops, innovation showcases, etc.
  5. Sustainability Impact. Measurable progress in ESG metrics, if applicable.
  6. Innovation Potential. Number of viable ideas generated/shared during the program.

You may start with our standard SES formula, as seen below, and adapt it to fit your specific goals.

Quick Insight

You have full control over how much each criterion matters. Adjust weights to match your program's goals. For instance, you may emphasize data accuracy by increasing the weight of 'Data Quality' in your formula.

Supplier Engagement Levels

Score Engagement Level Description
Exceeds expectations across all criteria contributing to value chain success.
Demonstrates high engagement levels. Potential for greater impact with minor, targeted development.
Meets basic requirements, but there's significant room for growth to optimize their contribution.
Faces challenges in key areas. Requires focused intervention to prevent further decline.
Major deficiencies pose risks to operations or goals. Urgent need for corrective action or potential replacement.

Why SES Works

  • Prioritize Engagement Efforts.

    The SES helps you quickly identify suppliers needing immediate support vs. those primed for high-impact collaboration. This focused approach maximizes your team's time and resources.

  • Drive Strategic Partnerships.

    High SES scores highlight suppliers who embody the collaborative, value-driven partnerships you seek. These relationships can fuel innovation, cost savings, and resilience, unlocking the full potential of your value chain.

  • Track Progress Over Time.

    Regular SES assessments reveal trends – whether a supplier is on an upward trajectory due to your interventions or if declining scores require swift action to mitigate risk.

  • Benchmark Across Suppliers.

    The SES facilitates comparison, helping you identify best practices within your supplier base and establish realistic performance targets to drive continuous improvement.

  • Inform Strategic Decisions.

    The SES provides actionable insights to support decisions about supplier development, contract renewals, investment, or potential replacement.